Gameshark epsxe 1.7 0 download
Gameshark epsxe 1.7 0 download

  • Fixes to the CD-Rom decoder and the core which made almost 150 more games playable or working better like.
  • gameshark epsxe 1.7 0 download

    It now generates a game code name for the game like SLU_XX.XXX.

  • Added support for savestates in some game which didn't work in the previous version because it was unable to find the game code name.
  • The list of affected games includes: To heart, Ishin No Arashi, Dukes hazzard Racing for Home, Hot wheels: turbo racing, U.P.P.
  • Some games with GPU status problems are detected and auto-activate the required options in the GPU.
  • It also adds better RepPlay, and AutoPause support.
  • Better support for CDDA in games, more games which had CDDA in the previous version work now.
  • Mouse is working again in the Pad2 (Quake), and multitap is working in more games like Frogger 2, Rampage 2 and Crash Bash.
  • Improved dual shock, mouse, guncon, multitap emulation (vibration on multitap not supported).
  • You can also disable the memcards in the configuration screen (needed in Lifeforce Tenka). This includes a better detection by the games.
  • Added better support to change memcards on the fly (Dragon Warrior 7, Star Ocean 2, Valkyrie Profile.
  • gameshark epsxe 1.7 0 download

    The following games work better in this release: Um Jammer Lammy, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy Tactics, Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Misadventures of Tron Bonne, Spyro 2 & 3, Vib Ribbon, Discworld Noir, Tales of Destiny, Extreme Ghostbuster, South Park Chef's Luv Shack, Silhouette, Thousand Arms, Adidas Power Soccer. This version includes multiples fixes and add compatibility with a lot of sound effects that were not properly supported before.

  • The internal SPU plugin has been updated to the 1.8.0 version.
  • Fixed changedisc feature, which was broken in 1.7.0, and added fixes to support changedisc in more games that were not previously working.
  • Be carefull, ".sub" has priority over ".sbi", so if you prefer to use the ".sbi" file, remove/move ".sub" to another folder. sbi) and be located in the same folder.To get it working in cdroms, you need to put the SBI file in directory patches, with the PS-EXE name of the game and ".sbi" at the end of the name. To get it working with isos the SBI file has to be renamed with the same filename as the image (except the extension, for example.
  • Added subchannel support using SBI files from.
  • It supports compressed images, and multi-disc images (a list of images is shown when you choose a multi-disc pbp).
  • Added support for disc images in PBP format.
  • See the Cheat Code section below to get information on how to use it.

    gameshark epsxe 1.7 0 download

    It takes advantage of the popular PSEmu Pro plugin system. EPSXe is a Sony Playstation emulator for your PC running under Win9x/2k/xp/Vista/7 or linux.

    Gameshark epsxe 1.7 0 download